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Russia's economic systems contribution to the socio-economic factors.

Joseph ruiz

Russia's economic systems contribution to the socio-economic factors.

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There are many factors of socio-economy, but since we are looking at Russia, we should compare Property rights, government spending, business freedom, and trade freedom with the United States.

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Purple : Russia Black : United States

For the property rights, we can clearly see that the United State is up ahead because of Russia's socialistic ideas in the economic system, but we see an improvement in property right (2016-2017)

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For government spending, I'm pretty shocked at the similarities between Russia and the United States. But the similarities comes from how the Russian's economic system is being run. Of course the United States have more money than Russia, but their economic system is based on the government having a big control in the economy.

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This clearly shows how the transition from a controlled economic system to a mixed economic system. This increased trade freedom, because it allowed them to globally export goods much easier.

GDP per Capita.

The United States GDP is 3.6 times Russia's GDP. This is most likely due to the higher amount of education levels required in the USA. In the US the average School life expectancy is 18 years, while in Russia it is 15 years.
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Birth rate per woman

Both the US and Russia has a similar birth rate per woman.

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Life Expectancy

The United State's life expectancy is approximately 10 more years higher than Russia's. This is due to the fact that the US spends 17% of its GDP on health, While on the other hand Russia spends 7.1 of its GDP on health. Additionaly 100% of United State's buildings are sanitized, In contrast 72.4% of Russian buildings are sanitized.

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Economic Social factors

In Russia, 11% of the population live below the poverty line. In the US 15 % of the population live below the poverty line. Russia's public debt is 13.7% of their GDP, on the other hand the USA's public debt is an astounding 73.8% of their GDP. The current account balance of Russia is 38.56 billion $. The current account balance of USA is -469 billion $. The external debt of Russia is 514.8 billion. The External debt of USA is 17.91 trillion.